Chateau Vinoteq Reception

If you are reading this page, you have been invited to Chateau Vinoteq’s Christmas Reception.  Below you will find details of all of the guests. If you want to sign up for individual updates you can subscribe below.



Doors 7:30

Reception Begins 8:00pm

Carriages 10:30pm

Guest Character Who are they? Dress A little background
Dave Sir Tarquin Drinkalot Owner of Chateau Vinoteq Any excuse to get the Dickie out Holds this event every year
Sam M Pedro Your waiter for the evening Smooth, mediterranean Used to work at the Typsy Trout
Sam R Romeo Tinkler Pianist for the night. Thinks he is cool Dresses as if he’s cool One for the ladies
Kevin Lord Beaujolais Lord of the Manor Thinks they are still in the old days Rumours about him are rife in the village
Naomi Lady Beaujolais Lady of the Manor Thinks they are still in the old days Likes to lunch with friends. Has never worked
Kim Tatiana Cousins who have just moved to the village A party is an excuse to be glamorous No-one knows where they used to live
Sue Tanya Cousins who have just moved to the village A party is an excuse to be glamorous No-one knows where they used to live
Alice Mystic Myrtle Claims to speak to the departed A little of the seaside fortune teller Will her skills be useful tonight?
Amy Sister Lucy Lush Nun from the local convent In the habit A bit of a fallen angel
Abi Penny Inkwell Investigative Journalist Used to being in the shadows Trusts no-one
Gemma Kim Karma Represents the Yellow Order – a sect who reside just outside the village Wears as much yellow as possible Bears a grudge
Nick Reggie ‘Banger’ Bates Ageing rock star Dresses in clothes that are far too young for him Name drops all the rock greats
Fiona Penelope Crotchet Head of major music studio Smart and sassy Was responsible for dropping Banger Bates from her record label
Lydia Sue Shorthand PA to Penelope Crotchet Secretary Knows all of her bosses secrets
Kirk Terry Stamp Owns the Post Office Casual Loves to read all the postcards he sees
David PP Kevin Kegly Landlord of the recently closed Typsy Trout Known for his extravagant shirts Recently declared bankrupt
Judy PP Sylvia Kegly Landlady of the recently closed Typsy Trout Known for her extravagent hats Has some good news that she may or may not share with her husband
Kiera Delores Drinkwater Linked to several men in the village As expected Had recently taken a DNA test
Jean Elizabeth Windpipe Local Royalty Dresses as National Royalty Believed to be the richest woman in the region
Sam S Penny Pastry Owns the bakery Baker’s outfit But what is in that cake?
Paul Doctor Scope Local Doctor Suited and booted. May even bring his stethoscope Ready to retire and move abroad
Alison Lizzie Lucozade Chemist A bit of a mad professor But what was her specialist subject?
Paula Pearl Diamond Owns the jewelry store Likes to show off her bling But where does all the money come from?
Victoria Selena Sheep-Penn Local Farmer Wellingtons at least Has a favourite crop
Kaz Inspector Carly Snooper Local Police Attending these events in uniform is allowed Ex Scotland Yard
Jackie Sergeant Pippa Carpark Local Police Attending these events in uniform is allowed Wanted the Inspector’s job
Sarah Sally Snoop Writes Crime Novels and studies murderers A Miss Marples of the current age Believes there is a killer in the Village



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